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Life in Fukuoka "English" Vo.129

2022.09.19[Mon] 09:00

Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)

【Delicious Asian Pears】

It's the season for sweet and juicy nashi or asian pears. Sometimes they're also called apple pears. They are in season from July to November in Fukuoka prefecture and you should be able to find them in supermarkets and veggie shops pretty easily now.

Right now, the pears you'll find in season in the shops are called Akizuki, Niitaka or Shinkou.

The way to choose a pear is to look at the skin and make sure it looks firm. The pear should still be hard and feel heavy. The bigger the pear, the better, the big ones are delicious.

If you buy a bunch and are trying to keep them as fresh as possible for as long as possible, makes sure you don't let them dry out. Keep them in a well sealed plastic bag in the fridge. You can keep them for one to two weeks that way, I've had some pears last nearly a month. Although the pears are sweet, they are low in calories and are said to help prevent cavities from forming. I wonder if it's their texture, that kind of helps to clean your teeth a bit while you're chewing, like with apples. Anyway, they make a great and healthy dessert if you're trying to keep away from other sweets! We cut them up and keep them in storage containers for handy anytime snacks. I think this season might be my favorite fruit season.

【Fukuoka City Information】

Tuberculosis Prevention Week

Now, I have some information from Fukuoka City about Tuberculosis Prevention Week from the 24th to the 30th of September.

Tuberculosis is a disease that causes inflammation of the lungs mainly by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is an infectious disease that is transmitted person to person.

In 2022, 138 people in Fukuoka City were diagnosed with tuberculosis.

Symptoms of tuberculosis include coughing, phlegm, fever, bloody phlegm, chest pain, lethargy, night sweats and or weight loss. In the beginning, it does resemble the common cold.

If you've noticed that you've had a cough for over two weeks, have had a lot of phlegm, you've felt lethargic or you've suddenly lost weight, please see a medical professional for an exam as soon as possible. The earlier it is detected, the earlier it can be treated preventing it from becoming a serious illness.  It is important to prevent spreading illness to family, friends and those at the workplace who are important to us.

Even if you are infected, tuberculosis does not always develop, however if your body cannot fight the tubercle bacillus, over time, an infection may develop.

If you are diagnosed with tuberculosis, you can fight it off by taking the proper medication every day according to your doctor's orders.

And, to prevent the spread or start of infections, make sure you get plenty of sleep, eat a good, balanced diet and get enough exercise. Making an effort every day to live healthily is the most effective prevention.

In Fukuoka City, there is the Fukuoka City Medical Interpreting Call Center service available if you do need to find a hospital or need some advice. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The phone number for that service is 092-733-5429. Again, that number is 092-733-5429. Interpretation is available in 20 different languages.


  • Colleen
  • Colleen
  • 誕生日:11月11日
    出身地:USA Detroit, MI
    興味のある事:I'm studying patisserie and languages

